Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Short facts 

Students   8100
International students   2400
Full professors   205
Degree programs   76
Partner universities   160
Date of foundation   1994


  • THI Business School
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering and Management
  • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Campus Neuburg


Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt


With 8,000 students and 76 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at the Ingolstadt and Neuburg campuses, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) stands for excellent teaching, pioneering research and far-reaching transfer both nationally and internationally. With AImotion Bavaria, the Bavarian AI mobility hub with 100 scientists, and CARISSMA, the nationwide leading centre for vehicle safety with 110 scientists, the THI conducts outstanding research nationwide. The Fraunhofer Application Centre ‘Networked Mobility and Infrastructure’ is also based at THI. THI awards the academic degrees Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat. and Dr. phil. in its doctoral centres Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science and Engineering Sciences.

THI is internationally orientated. Around a quarter of the students come from abroad and study in one of the 16 English-language Bachelor's or Master's programmes. In addition, around 400 German-speaking students a year take advantage of the opportunity to study for a semester at one of the 160 partner universities worldwide or in a practical company. In this way, the university lives up to its motto ‘Personalities and innovations - for a future worth living’.

Contact us

by phone:
+49 (0)89 -
540 413 722

get in contact with our Team

our adress: 
Hochschule Bayern e.V.
Atelierstraße 1
81671 Munich